Addnectar Academy

Course Content

• Organisational principles of composition
• Type anatomy
• Playing with type
• Colour as a visual element
• Idea generation & development
• Project – Typographic composition
• Design for Publication
• Grid systems and typesetting
• Layout and page design
• Setting a visual language & concept
• Usability & functionality in print / web
• Presenting the design process & design outcome
• Project – Invite & brochure (print / web-based)
• Design for Digital
• Communication PIE: Persuade, Inform, Entertain
• Decoding brand language
• Combining type & imagery
• 3-act structure for storytelling
• Design specifications for social media screens
• Project – Creatives for social media

• Adobe Photoshop
• Adobe Illustrator
• Adobe InDesign
• CorelDraw

Course Duration

Key Features

Course Price