Addnectar Academy

Course Content

• Understanding the structure of HTML documents
• Working with HTML tags, elements, and attributes
• Creating forms and input validation
• Incorporating multimedia content (images, videos, audio)

• UIntroduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
• Styling HTML elements using CSS selectors
• Box model: Margins, padding, borders
• Positioning and layout techniques
• Responsive web design principles

CSS Flexbox and Grid layout
CSS preprocessors (Sass/SCSS): Variables, mixins, nesting
Introduction to CSS frameworks (Bootstrap)
Optimizing CSS for performance and maintainability

Core JavaScript concepts: Variables, data types, operators
Control flow and conditional statements
Functions and scope
Manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM)
Handling events and user interactions

Arrays and array methods
Object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript
Asynchronous JavaScript and AJAX
Error handling and debugging techniques
Introduction to ES6+ features (Arrow functions, template literals)

• Overview of popular front-end frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js)
• Building single-page applications (SPA) with React
• Component-based architecture and state management
• Integrating APIs and fetching data
• Final project: Building a portfolio-worthy web application
• Practical Projects and Assignments:
• Throughout the course, participants will work on hands-on projects and assignments to reinforce their learning and build a portfolio of work. Projects may include designing and developing responsive websites, implementing interactive features using JavaScript, and building a dynamic web application using a front-end framework.

Access to online learning materials, tutorials, and resources
Support from instructors and teaching assistants via online forums or office hours
Career guidance and job placement assistance

Basic understanding of computer fundamentals and internet usage
No prior coding experience required, but familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is beneficial

Upon successful completion of the course and final project, participants will receive a certificate of completion in Front-End Web Development.

Course Duration

Key Features

Course Price