Addnectar Academy

Course Content

Overview of server-side programming languages (e.g., Python, Node.js, PHP)
Introduction to databases: SQL vs. NoSQL
Setting up development environment

Writing server-side code in Python using Flask or Django framework
Implementing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
Handling HTTP requests and responses

Introduction to relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)
Designing and creating database schemas
Performing database queries and transactions

Implementing user authentication and authorization mechanisms
Using third-party authentication services (OAuth, JWT)
Securing APIs and endpoints

Understanding RESTful architecture principles
Building RESTful APIs using Express.js (Node.js) or Flask (Python)
Consuming APIs using HTTP client libraries

Handling asynchronous tasks and operations
Using asynchronous programming techniques (callbacks, promises, async/await)
Managing concurrency and parallelism

Writing unit tests and integration tests for backend code
Debugging techniques and tools
Test-driven development (TDD) approach

• Deploying web applications to cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Heroku)
• Configuring server environments and managing deployments
• Scaling web applications for performance and reliability
• Practical Projects and Assignments
• Participants will work on hands-on projects and assignments throughout the course to apply their learning and build a portfolio of backend development projects. Projects may include building RESTful APIs, implementing user authentication and authorization systems, and deploying web applications to production environments.

Access to online learning materials, tutorials, and resources
Support from instructors and teaching assistants via online forums or office hours
Career guidance and job placement assistance

Basic understanding of web development concepts (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Some programming experience (e.g., Python, JavaScript) is beneficial but not required

Upon successful completion of the course and final project, participants will receive a certificate of completion in Backend Web Development.

Course Duration

Key Features

Course Price